Monday, January 29, 2018

Insulation Roof – Advantages of the Materials

For houses whose roofs have not been insulated yet, the insulation roof materials present so many advantages that are helpful in many conditions all the way through climate extremes in your areas of residence. For one, they are able to prevent the radiant heat of the sun from penetrating the insides of your homes.

This fact allows the preservation of energy you are using (making it less expensive) and gives the resulting overall comfort levels inside for the occupants.

Primary tasks

The main function in insulating the roof is to suppress the unneeded heat energy coming from the outside, produced by the sun. The insulation foils in the materials effectively reduce the sun’s radiant energy in summer by up to 97%. (On the other hand, this also helps better thermal protection in cold conditions in winter time.) 

Moreover, when the materials are properly installed for the roof, the resulting factor is that it decreased the chances of moisture and thermal condensation. This condition triggers problems like molds, mildew, rot and dripping. Provided with enough ventilation under the roof surface, the moisture is allowed to escape and stops the buildup and damage it may cause. 

With the use of aluminum in retrofit applications, the insulation effectively reflects the heat energy away from the intended spaces and rooms. It also lowers the cooling cost if it is used as a radiant barrier.

Lost heat

Experts surmise that around 25% of the heat lost in an un-insulated home goes through the roof. As owner, you can easily install your insulation roof. You can see the difference in the savings you will see in your energy bills.


Among the cheapest in loft installation is the cold loft option, already considered a classic. It involves the insulation between and over the wooden joists that are immediately above the ceiling of your top floor.

If you use your loft for storage, you need to clear your project with the authorities like any other-grant-assisted work. Grants (either partial or full) do not actually cover the cost of clearing the loft.


The many options for roof insulation are not really that expensive. Energy-efficient grants are available at present for cold loft insulation projects.

Warm roofs are generally more expensive. However, they can provide a higher level of heat retention. You can also get around more easily using the loft in storing temperature sensitive items.


What is referred to as a warm deck or roof is the situation where the roof deck (usually made of wood) is below the insulation. Cold deck or roof is when the insulation is below the roof deck and the joists.

A gap is needed to be left for ventilation, since this is a cold area, there is some form of condensation which can lead to rot. The inverted roof is the condition where the insulation goes above the weather membrane where it protects it from heat and cold.

These conditions can shorten its life and that of the roof deck. It can also protect it from wear and tear. (The topmost layer of the insulation roof is generally in gravel.

Insulation – Blocking Extreme Conditions

One definition for insulation is that it is a process of blocking extreme conditions that interfere with the comfort and safety of people’s lives. The most common are thermal extremes (heat or cold) from places where there are people (residences, buildings, offices).

There are materials that bar one condition (either heat or cold) from spreading. One of the many ways to do this is mostly with the help of materials we depend on to do the job. Insulators usually use the tiny packets of air inside of them. Air is one very good insulating material.

Samples of other types of insulation are those that prevent unnecessary noise (soundproofing), and those that prevent dangerous contact with power sources (electrical insulation).  Luckily, man had already discovered ways ands means and material to avoid these conditions in real life.

Other forms of insulation in use today are those that deal with extremes in heat and cold. Soundproofing (acoustic insulation) has been successfully dealt with as well. the same is true with electricity where all of the materials used are properly insulated.


In insulating your homes, there are several types of insulation to choose from. In choosing what best fits your needs, you have to determine first where you want it, and all the other requisites needed. (In heat insulation, you also have to include the R-values of materials used, for instance.)

For heat, the insulation materials are many. They include foam board, or liquid foam insulation core, straw core insulation, blanket or batt and roll insulation, concrete block insulation, rigid foam, insulated concrete forms (ICFs) and loose-fill and blown-In insulation.

Blanket insulation

The most common and widely available insulation type is the blanket insulation. They are available in batts and rolls. The materials used are flexible fibers, mostly fiberglass. (Others are from mineral rock, wool, plastic fibers, and other natural fibers like cotton and sheep’s wool.)

Batts are available in correct widths for standard spacing of walls studs, trusses or rafters. Continuous rolls can be hand-cut and trimmed to fit. They have the thermal resistance you can choose from to fit your needs.

Concrete Block

These are mostly used to build home foundations and walls and there are ways to insulate them. They can be filled with insulation. Usually, the insulation is done over their surfaces to avoid heat conduction on solid materials.

Some makers incorporate polystyrene beads into concrete blocks, and some make rigid foam inserts that can increase their thermal resistance.

Rigid panels

These foam boards (rigid insulation panels) can be used to insulate almost any part of your home, from the roof down to the foundation. They are very effective in exterior wall sheathing, interior sheathing for basement walls, and special applications such as attic hatches.

They can provide good thermal resistance and can reduce heat through structural elements. Like wood and steel studs. They are made from polystyrene and polyurethane, etc.

Also included are the loose fill used in retrofits and in locations where others can’t be installed. These are the sample of insulation material in use today.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Ceiling insulation Batts – Top Choice

From the many types of insulation materials preferred by experts and seasoned contractors is the consensus topper. However, batts are made from many types of materials and that depends on which part of the house are they used for. The most sought-after though, is the ceiling insulation batts.

It is among the favorites because aside from its being flexible, batts are the natural choice because they are also very economical and effective, compared to the other materials. They usually come in pre-cut panels because they are used to insulated areas like the floors, the walls, and the ceilings.

Experts know how to customize them to be able to fit them into difficult areas (like ceilings) without gaps. Any space or gaps will result in an ineffective insulation.


Batts material is generally made of fiberglass or rock or slag wool. The cotton varieties are mostly used for acoustic and thermal installations. They are the more popular among others for insulation because they are economical when effectively put in place by professionals.

When installing batts, it is important that the panels are customized to perfectly fit the intended areas in your homes. If there are gaps, the cooling and heating will be ineffective shortly. The insulation batts for ceilings are one of more popular choices in insulation.

The others include the blown fiberglass sand cellulose, and those that are sprayed (also fiberglass and cellulose).

Ceiling insulation

Insulating the ceiling counts as one of the more effective energy efficiency measures. The other advantage is that they are the easiest part to insulate because of accessibility. The homes with cathedral ceiling, however, have unique insulation requirement.

During the batt insulation on the ceiling, there is need to seal off the entire attic to home air leaks, especially the chases, bypasses and fur-downs. Insulation using fiberglass and rock wool does not stop the air flow.

In attics, which can be insulated with either loose-fill or batts, there is need to put the backing next to the ceiling finish for batts with attached vapor retarders. 


Sometimes, it is a good choice if the insulation comes in smaller chunks. With a hose, installers blow the insulating chunks into the attic. The two main choices for this are fiberglass and cellulose because of their qualities.

Both materials insulate about the same level and they have their R-values at about the same range. Cellulose, however, comes from recycled newspapers.


The spray foam is also among the more popular forms of insulation. There is an open cell and the closed cell. Both have their own pros and cons and with their own set of proponents.

Spray foam has the main advantage of allowing you to move – the boundary between conditioned and unconditioned spaces. Spraying foam in the roofline can bring the ducts inside. The disadvantage with spray is its cost. Generally, it costs 3 to 4 times more than the amount you pay for cellulose or fiberglass.

Ceiling insulation batts is among the good alternatives in insulating your ceiling. After all, they are the favorite among experts who knew their qualities better than anyone else.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Thermal Insulation – A Sometime Necessity

Science defines thermal insulation as the process of inhibiting the transfer of heat (thermal) energy from one element to the other. For the laymen, it is the procedure of keeping an enclosed area (buildings, houses, rooms, and other enclosed spaces) as warm (or cold) as needed.

The process of heat transfer involves common conduction, convection, and radiation. Insulation materials are then used to maintain the transfer (or the non-transfer) of heat. These days, knowing the amount of heat to control is laid out in the R-value of the insulators.

Practical nature

To the real world, insulation in terms of thermal energy (heat) is actually the management of heat and cold in situations and circumstances. This is the time when there are materials for both heat and cold are in dramatic circumstances where one will dominate the other and the whole scene.

For the modern man, managing this situation (keeping comfort by not having one or the other dictate the temperature outcome of a space) is thermal control. This is keeping in control the warmth of a space while other areas are cold.

Insulation of thermal energy is inhibiting its transfer from one area to the other. it can keep an enclosed area (a building, a room) warm enough much like the same way that you can keep the contents of a container hot or cold in a thermos bottle and not what are outside the bottle.

Insulating materials

Insulation is a form of barrier that minimizes the transfer of heat energy from one material to the other by reducing the many practices of heat transfers like conduction, convection, and radiation.
Among the insulating materials, a good insulator is a very poor heat conductor.

Materials that are less dense are better insulators. Consequently, gases insulated better than liquids, which in turn insulates better than solids. Conduction happens when materials, most especially solids, are in direct contact with each other. The energy can flow through the materials from one to the other. 


With the insulation materials, a barrier is erected between hot and cold areas and there is no transfer of heat from one material to the other. This is the actual reduction of the methods of heat transfer which includes conduction, convection, and radiation.

Insulation materials do its job by way of the nature of their characteristic material. In a word, insulators are very poor heat conductor and consequently are very good insulator.

Those materials that are less dense are better insulators. Gases, by reduction, are the better insulators than liquids, which in turn are better than solids in transferring heat energy.

Natural circumstances

Heat conduction occurs mostly in solids when materials are usually in direct contact with one another. The energy easily flows through the materials from one to the other.  Between air and solids, a solid poor heat conductor is placed in between.

When a solid layer of clothing is placed between you and the cold outside air in winter, some insulation takes place. If the cold air comes in contact with your skin, it will lower your skin’s temperature. This is thermal insulation at work.