Monday, March 19, 2018

Proper Insulation of Roof

Specifying roof insulation that extends a roof system's performance life is essential, but it is only one factor maintenance and engineering managers must always consider. When managers select a roof insulation, they also must consider for the building's thermal needs, satisfy applicable energy codes and deliver a roof assembly acceptable to the facility's insurance carrier. The type of roof insulation you should choose will depend on the type of roof you have. Pitched roof - there are two options: warm or cold loft insulation. Flat roof - there are three options available: warm deck, cold deck or inverted roof.

If you are having your roof insulation roof installed professionally or under a grant, there are a number of additional tasks that are normally carried out:
  • Remember to cover the pipes with pipe insulation. Your loft will be colder due to the insulation keeping the warmth in the floors below, so you're more likely to get burst pipes in freezing weather.
  • Insulation should go up the side and over any tanks, or special tank insulation can be used, but you mustn't insulate under any tanks, as without some heat flowing up from below, these are also likely to freeze.
  • If your tank is in a raised position at least 10cms above the uppermost layer of insulation, then you can insulate the underside of the tank.
  • If there are electric cables in the loft, try to leave these exposed so they can remain cool. If there is enough slack, they can be gently raised and the insulation put underneath. In practice, lighting cables are unlikely to be a problem, especially if you use low energy lightbulbs.
Shower cables are most likely to need attention, although the fire risk is fairly minimal as showers tend to only be used for short periods. If you see any cables or junction boxes that appear to be in a poor state, you will need to get an electrician to put them right, anyway.
  • If you have recessed halogen lights in a room below the loft, they must be protected before they are covered in insulation. Halogen lights give off a lot of heat that is concentrated in a small area, and they pose a serious fire risk if insulation is placed directly against them. Protective cylindrically shaped fire protectors, which are called loft caps or loft covers, are available and it is essential to invest in these before you install your insulation.
  • Don't forget to insulate the loft hatch. This usually involves attaching a block of polystyrene insulation to its upper side, and ensuring any gaps around the side of it are sealed by applying draught proofing strips around the frame
To perform successfully, insulation roof has to become an integral part of the assembly and must function in concert with the membrane and the structural deck. Wise insulation choices result in successful roof systems that perform over the long term, while poor choices can be detrimental to roof performance.

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