Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sound Proof Insulation

We expect our home to be a haven where we can rest and relax after a hard day. However, our home can also be a center of activity where all kinds of noises mix to form a cacophony of sound that can disturb even the soundest of sleepers. Some people don’t really think they need sound proof insulation for their homes until they start being bothered by all the noise coming in. You’d be surprised how many people don’t really consider their homes as a noisy place.

Think about it. Preparing food in the kitchen, people eating in the dining room, people watching TV or listening to the stereo in the living room, and all the other appliances in your home like the dishwasher, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. – all of these create sound and noise that can be an annoying distraction. What’s more, sounds from the outside like cars passing by on the street, pedestrians on the sidewalk, a construction crew working at the next block, and other daily occurrences can all add to the bothersome distraction.

You don’t have to put up with all the noise, however. You can have sound proof insulation installed in your home to combat all those sounds, or if you have the skills and tools, you can also do it yourself. There are several different ways to insulate your home against sound, but they all have some pros and cons to them.

For example, the common materials that people use to insulate their homes against heat or cold, like glasswool (also called fiberglass), can work very well when used as sound proof insulation. They just need to be installed meticulously to perform to their fullest capabilities. Glasswool insulation can help reduce noise that’s coming through the walls, but the material will need to be painstakingly cut and fitted around the pipes, wiring, and other elements inside and in between the walls. Furthermore, all holes and cracks in the walls will need to be sealed to help reduce noise as well.

Generally, fiberglass insulation is not really recognized as an excellent sound insulator, although they do make great insulating material for heat or cold. However, modern technology has allowed manufacturers to create high density glasswool insulation that can offer extraordinary performance for both acoustic and energy purposes. There are glasswool products nowadays that are rated up to R-2.7 for wall installations and up to R-6.0 for ceiling installations.

Installing glasswool or fiberglass insulation alone will not provide high level soundproofing, of course. You will also need to take additional steps such as using solid core wooden doors, tightening up the spaces between the wall and the windows, installing high quality storm windows, and even installing thick carpets. If you install storm windows, take note that the wider the space between the storm window and the primary window, the better it blocks sound from coming in. Also, if you have a wall that faces a busy street, adding another layer or two of drywall to that wall will significantly improve noise reduction.

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